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Public sector job cuts: Department of Internal Affairs may shed 28 staff

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The Department of Internal Affairs is proposing job cuts that could affect 28 staff across six of its eight branches to meet the Government’s cost-cutting expectations.

“We can confirm that we are proposing organisational change in six of our eight branches in a staged approach,” a Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) spokesperson said this afternoon.

“This is part of our response to the Government’s ongoing Fiscal Sustainability Programme to embed a culture of responsible spending across government. We are required to save 6.5 per cent of our baseline.”

So far, the proposed organisational changes would happen in the indexing team of the National Library, potentially affecting eight staff, and the Māori, Strategy and Performance branch, potentially affecting 20 staff.

“People changes account for less than half of the savings we have identified, with 60 per cent of the required savings found in efficiencies and curtailing expenditure,” the spokesperson said.

“Changes within other branches are due to be announced by mid-May 2024.”

The DIA is the latest in a string of government agencies to announce job cuts and slashed spending in order to find $1.5 billion in savings across the public service.

The Herald earlier reported more than 1300 job cuts have been announced to meet the Government directive.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) earlier confirmed 286 full-time equivalent roles (FTEs) have been removed in the last few months and has not ruled out more cuts.

The ministry is looking at 7.5 per cent cost savings.

Earlier this week, cost-saving proposals were announced at the Ministry for the Environment, Callaghan Innovation and Crown researcher Niwa.

Also this week, the Department of Conservation (DoC) joined the growing list of public service agencies confirming slashes to spending and potentially showing employees the door.

DoC has been directed to find 6.5 per cent savings from its budget.

In a statement to NZME, DoC confirmed it has been “identifying areas where we could cut back” and is in a consultation process with staff.

The Ministry of Health is also proposing to slash 134 roles entirely. The ministry has been searching for 6.5 per cent cost savings, with the final sign-off to be made by Public Service and Finance Minister Nicola Willis, in relation to the Budget.

The Treasury is proposing to axe 50 roles, and proposals at the Ministry for Primary Industries suggest 384 roles could be cut. There has been a net reduction of 24 jobs at the Ministry of Transport, though many were vacant roles that were not filled.

Prime Minister Chris Luxon earlier told Newstalk ZB voluntary redundancies, job losses and attrition are all pieces of the cost-saving drive, alongside reductions in spending on contractors and consultants.

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