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A heartfelt apology to my Tuakana Ihaia Don Hutana – Denis O’Reilly

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My tuakana Māori, Ihaia Don Hutana, has taken exception to some of my public statements following the shooting in Hastings following a rugby match as a denigration of his beloved sports club Tamatea Ariki Nui. No insult was intended, and, if it were interpreted as such, my unreserved apology.

Tamatea Ariki Nui is a justifiably proud sports club. Members of my extended whānau were foundational members and one of my mokopuna is a current playing member. I respect the club both for its achievements and as formidable foes in my playing days.

I have another level of respect and gratitude as well. When our kainga at Waiohiki was ravaged by Cyclone Gabrielle we sought refuge at Waipatu under the mantle of Ngāti Hori and Ngāti Hāwea. Indeed, it was in the shelter of Tamatea Ariki Nui Sports Club that many of our whānau slept in safety. Moreover, I slept under Don’s roof at his whānau home. If the clumsy words of this Irishman, tangata Tiriti, have given offence then arohamai, kyrie eleison, tá brón orm, forgive me.

Guy Taylor, YMP rugby team coach, with the van that he was driving when it was shot after a game last Saturday.
Guy Taylor, YMP rugby team coach, with the van that he was driving when it was shot after a game last Saturday.

Let’s get back to the kaupapa. What happened in Hastings was an outrage, but, thank the Lord, it was not a tragedy. I’m pressing the point so we do not encounter tragedy.

In my view the various rugby bodies, in particular Hawke’s Bay Rugby Union, need to recognise who plays the game, to take a reality check, and to take the practical steps to ensure that our young men and women, in fact our families, can play sports in safety. Within the psyche of our most mischievous and disobedient youth are champions struggling to emerge. The late Jonah Lomu and Sonny Bill Williams are examples of young people who could have taken an anti-social route in life but who found fame and fortune through sport and who brought excitement to our lives.

I strongly argue that rather than trying to exclude players or a team because of poor behaviour of team members or supporters, we should do everything possible to keep people playing sport as the appropriate field on which to test each other, to compete within rules under the jurisdiction of a referee, and to build relationships. The trade-off for inclusion is that certain standards of behaviour are required.

I believe there is a high degree of unanimity that we must not let the integrity of the competition be jeopardised by a few hangers-on and wannabes. That requires a collective stance. This will not be possible if leaders do not want their “brand” tarnished and say, ‘oh, that’s not my crew’. Because the whole gang situation has become so highly politicised it is hard to have a rational discussion and to find sound solutions grounded in community reality.

Community advocate Denis O'Reilly says we should do everything possible to keep people playing sport. Photo / NZME
Community advocate Denis O’Reilly says we should do everything possible to keep people playing sport. Photo / NZME

The general public do not know of the under-the-radar efforts of pro-social community leaders who work hard to ensure peace and wellbeing, and the sterling efforts of the NZ Police who on one hand will hold those accountable for dangerous and anti-social behaviour, and on the other hand try to foster positive dialogue and pro-social behaviour so all of our mokopuna can enjoy the benefits and opportunities of being a New Zealander, an All Black, a Silver Fern, a Kiwi, a solid, tax-paying law-abiding citizen. Tihei Kahungunu. Tihei Aotearoa.

Again, sorry Don. You are my tuakana. Denis

Denis O’Reilly, is a staunch community advocate based in Hawke’s Bay, and a lifetime member of Black Power.

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