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Airbus H145 twin-engine rescue helicopter added to Bay of Plenty fleet

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The new Airbus H145 twin-engine rescue helicopter added to the Aerocool Rescue Helicopter fleet.

A new “top of the line” rescue helicopter better able to fly in bad weather will now service the Bay of Plenty coastal region.

The Aerocool Rescue Helicopter said today it had added the larger Airbus H145 twin-engine rescue helicopter to its fleet.

The Airbus H145′s advanced autopilot capabilities allowed its flight control system to run several manual tasks previously operated by the pilot, a statement said.

The helicopter could fly predefined and customised routes accurately, reducing the pilot’s workload so they can concentrate on critical tasks.

The autopilot also allowed greater capability to fly in poor weather conditions previously considered unsuitable.

There is also more space in the cabin allowing easy access to specialist emergency medical equipment for the critical care flight paramedic.

Aerocool Rescue Helicopter pilot and base manager, Liam Brettkelly, said the addition was a “game-changer” for the crew.

“Our ability to respond to critical situations has been significantly enhanced.

“We are proud to serve the Bay of Plenty Coastal region with this top-of-the-line aircraft and are thankful to our community and sponsors for making this happen.”

The Aerocool Rescue Helicopter is manned with a team of pilots, crewmen, and critical care flight paramedics on call 24/7, 365 days a year.

In 2023 the Aerocool Rescue Helicopter carried out 519 missions in the Bay of Plenty area.

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