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Attempted ram raid at Auckland jewellery store, police descend on Westfield Mall in Newmarket

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There has been an attempted robbery at Partridge Jewellers in Newmarket Auckland, this evening.

Police have descended on the Auckland suburb of Newmarket tonight after an attempted ram raid at Partridge Jewellers in Westfield Mall.

An eyewitness said he and his wife were waiting at the lights outside the store when they heard a banging sound.

“We looked over and saw a small white car backed into the shattered window of the jewellery store, and some people in what looked like white boiler suits standing over the cabinets.

“We were afraid that we would be in their path if they tried to leave as their car was pointed directly at us as we sat there at the intersection – we were pretty relieved when the light turned green.”

The man said he heard the police Eagle helicopter overhead as they drove away.

“These things are pretty common lately, but we were still pretty shaken to see that as it was happening.”

A Herald reporter at the scene said a window on the outside of the building was smashed where the offenders appeared to have attempted to gain access to the shop.

“Multiple black covers have been placed in front of the shop and a contingent of security are stopping people from trying to enter,” he said.

“There is smashed glass on the footpath outside the shop and people who are associated with the store are talking to police.”

A black leather bag is sitting on the footpath outside the shop among broken glass.

There has been an attempted robbery at Partridge Jewellers in Newmarket Auckland, this evening.
There has been an attempted robbery at Partridge Jewellers in Newmarket Auckland, this evening.

“Police are placing things into brown evidence bags, including the black bag.”

The exterior glass windows appear to have been struck multiple times with an object.

The reporter was confronted by mall security and told to leave the building, despite shoppers freely entering the premises.

The Herald has approached police for comment.

The incident is the latest in a spate of ram raids across the city with armed criminals regularly targeting high-end jewellery stores in smash and grab style robberies, as well as vape stores and petrol stations.

Partridge Jewellers in Westfield Mall at Newmarket. Photo / Google
Partridge Jewellers in Westfield Mall at Newmarket. Photo / Google

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