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Census 2023 results: ‘Transformative shift’ as 20 per cent of New Zealanders of Māori descent

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Stacey Morrison and Scotty Morrison at home in Mt Albert, Auckland, with their children Kurawaka (left), Hawaiki and Maiana. The Morrisons have written a Maori language book called Maori At Home. Photo / Doug Sherring

In 2023, one in five people in New Zealand were of Māori descent.

In a statement, Te Kāhui Raraunga, the operational arm of the Data Iwi Leaders Group, described the growth in the Māori descent population as a “transformative shift”.

The data shows 19.6 per cent or 978, 246 of the country’s population are of Māori descent, 12.5 per cent higher than 2018.

Māori also make up a larger proportion of the country’s younger population with nearly one in three people under 25 years old identifying as Māori.

Te Kāhui Raraunga pou arahi/aho tapu Kirikowhai Mikaere said the data showed that the Māori population was “young, resillent and rapidly growing”.

“This would suggest that we will see Māori become a dominant part of the future workforce of Aotearoa, enhancing diversity, promoting new ideas and stimulating creative solutions across industries.”

The 12.5 per cent growth equates to 108,396 more people and takes New Zealand’s Māori population to nearly one million people (978,246).

New Zealand’s population has grown 6.3 per cent and is getting older and more diverse.

The latest data shows the oldest population is in the North Island while the fastest growing territorial authorities are in the South Island.

The latest Census results show most people live in the North Island, and our population continues to age and diversify ethnically.

The Census population count – which includes people who were in New Zealand on Census night – was 4,993,923 –– almost 300,000 more people than the 2018 Census.

Population growth was slower between 2018 and 2023

Most people lived in the North Island (76.3 per cent or three in four people) and one third (1.66 million) lived in Auckland.

Populations have grown across all regions. The population growth rate for Auckland was 5.4 per cent, almost half of the growth rate the Tasman region (10 per cent). The slowest population growth was in Wellington (2.8 per cent) and Southland (2.7 per cent).

The fastest growing territorial authority (cities or districts) were Selwyn and Queenstown. Stats NZ said the slower population growth could be attributed to closed borders and slower migration, and low fertility rates.

New Zealand’s population is getting older with the average median age rising from 37.4 years in 2018 to 38.1 years.

Thames-Coromandel is the oldest area in New Zealand – where 34 per cent of residents are over 65. In Kaikoura and Kapiti , 27 per cent of the population is over 65.

The youngest population is the Manurewa Local Board Area in Auckland where 24 per cent of the population is aged under 15 years.

The majority of the population was European in the 2023 Census (67.8 per cent); however, the ethnic makeup of our population has continued to diversify.

Māori, Asian, Pacific peoples and Middle Eastern, Latin American and African groups grew “significantly faster” than European ethnic groups, Stats NZ said.

The Census is a nationwide headcount

is an important five-yearly data collection event that provides a snapshot of our nation at a point in time, including providing detailed information about New Zealand’s small communities.

It helps the Government know who you are, where you are, and what resources your community needs. Census data is used to plan infrastructure, including water and roads, and services such as schools and hospitals.

After the low response rate in the 2018 Census, Statistics Minister at the time David Clark vowed the next one would be successful with “more boots on the ground, more paper forms, more hours worked and more community engagement”.

Consultation is already underway for Census 2028. Stats NZ is considering moving away from the traditional way it is conducted.

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