Police were notified of the crash at around 3:35pm involving a vehicle and a child on a driveway on Karaka Road.
A child has died after a crash in a driveway in Auckland’s Karaka this afternoon.
Police were notified of the crash at around 3:35pm involving a vehicle and a child on a driveway on Karaka Road.
“Sadly we can advise the child died at the scene,” police said.
A section of Karaka Road is closed and enquiries are underway to determine what has occurred.
“Our thoughts are with the family involved, and we are ensuring there is support available for them at this difficult time,” police said in a statement.
Second child killed in driveway in South Auckland in same week
It is the second instance of a child dying after a crash on a driveway in South Auckland this week.
Police said a child died on a driveway on Mellsop Ave in Waiuku about 11.07am Tuesday.
A section of Mellsop Ave was closed while emergency services were at the scene.
The Serious Crash Unit was in attendance and an investigation is now under way into what has occurred.
A witness told the Herald she saw part of Mellsop Ave blocked off by police.
“There were two fire engines, an ambulance that took off with lights on and the road had been blocked off with between five or six cop cars.”