NZ Local News

‘Chippie on a bikkie’: Labour leader Chris Hipkins in sea biscuit wipeout

Editor Written by Editor · 1 min read >

Former New Zealand prime minister Chris Hipkins has featured in a spectacular wipeout video while making the most of his holiday out on the water.

In the video posted to Instagram with the caption “#chippieonabikkie”, the leader of the Opposition is seen riding a sea biscuit.

Former prime minister Chris Hipkins can be seen riding a sea biscuit before losing his grip and falling into the water.
Former prime minister Chris Hipkins can be seen riding a sea biscuit before losing his grip and falling into the water.

As the boat makes a sharp turn, Hipkins takes a tumble. But instead of slamming into the water, the Labour leader appears to gracefully roll along the surface a few times.

“Being able to not take yourself too serious and ‘be human’ is a good character trait,” one person commented.

“The best hashtag,” another added.

Instead of slamming into the water, Hipkins appeared to graciously roll along the surface.
Instead of slamming into the water, Hipkins appeared to graciously roll along the surface.

Hipkins’ video came just hours after former National Party leader Simon Bridges took to Instagram to share news of an e-scooter accident which saw him admitted to Auckland City Hospital on Wednesday.

“This afternoon I hit a bump while I was on an electric scooter.”

Bridges, a former transport minister, said he had broken his wrist and hurt his face.

Simon Bridges says he broke his wrist and hurt his face after falling off an e-scooter in Auckland.
Simon Bridges says he broke his wrist and hurt his face after falling off an e-scooter in Auckland.

The image shared to social media by Bridges shows significant grazes above and below his left eye as well as a cast on his arm.

Bridges said he was “hugely grateful” to a family who stopped to help him and waited with him for an ambulance.

“I don’t know who they are, but they were incredibly kind to me,” he said.

He said staff at Auckland City Hospital had also been brilliant.

Social media comments have poured in wishing Bridges a speedy recovery.

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