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Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi’s dad dies in Bay of Plenty

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The father of Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri Waititi has died in the Bay of Plenty.

“It is with great sadness and regret that we announce the passing of our pāpā, koko, uncle and hoa, Winston Wikuki Waititi, who passed peacefully this morning,” Waititi wrote on social media.

His father’s death follows on from the death of Waititi’s mother late last year after a period of illness.

“Dad will lay at the Otamaroa homestead over night and whakaeke on to Kauaetangohia tomorrow 1 June at 8am, where he will lay in state until his nehu on Monday 3rd June,” Waititi said.

“The bell will ring at 11am on Monday following that, dad will then be laid to rest next to our mother at Te Kuaha urupā, Otamaroa.”

Waititi last year took time out from the 2023 election campaign to spend time with his mum who was in hospital at the time.

“Whānau first is core value for us, over and above politics or political agendas. We also believe wholeheartedly that leadership begins at home,” Waititi’s wife Kiri Tamihere-Waititi said at the time.

Waititi today signed off his social media post about his dad’s passing with a message of faith.

‘Kei te ora Te Atua nānā nei i whakakahore te whakawā mōku, te whakawā tōku wairua. I ngā wā katoa e tā ai tōku manawa e mau ai te wairua o Te Atua i roto i ōku ponga ponga.’

The Waititi whānau at hospital last year when Raiwiri's mother was ill. Photo / Supplied
The Waititi whānau at hospital last year when Raiwiri’s mother was ill. Photo / Supplied

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